MBTI Personality test:

OCEAN (Openness - Conscientiousness - Extraversion - Agreeableness - Neuroticism) Test:
PERMA Profiler #acronym for Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment
- the basic dimensions of psychological flourishing)
The Authentic Happiness Inventory #provides an overall measure of your happiness levels
https://dichotomytests.com/ #Philosophy; Fear; Memes; Personality Compass
Your Signature Strengths #24 character strengths
-What is your relationship with TIME:
-IQ test: https://www.iqtest.dk/main.swf or https://test.mensa.no/
- [Trivia] J.Peterson says that getting job when having IQ less than 85 is almost impossible.
- About 45% of the world's pop have an IQ below 85, and therefore not very useful in the technological world
- Are you AWAKE or on Autopilot(?); which hemisphere is dominant #right unconscious:
- [Trivia] How to solve political differences the Gulliver's way: (page 237)
Are you consciously deciding for your actions or you follow the alpha(?): https://sarahmyles.net/2013/07/22/borderline-personality-disorder-and-the-chameleon-effect/
"Main cause of human suffering is not knowing who you are"
...what to strive for?
Hope > Gratitude > Love > other traits...
The only significant independent positive predictors of well-being were gratitude and love of learning. --Note that love, honesty, hope and humor came very close.
The single best predictor of well-being was gratitude.